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By telling me a bit about yourself, you’re doing something amazing!

You’re helping us connect with more people just like you. These are individuals who care deeply that no one goes hungry. Like you, they believe everyone should have enough to eat, whether it’s families who have hit hard times, veterans, seniors, or shut ins. Ready to share? Please take about 5 minutes to complete the survey. Your answers will be treated with utmost confidence. Your input makes a big difference! Thank you for your help. I can’t wait to read your thoughts.

1. Understanding your experience will be helpful. Have you or someone close to you ever struggled to have enough to eat?
3. Please tell me what motivates you to give to HIM Food Bank.
4. On a scale of 1 to 5, please indicate how much you agree with each statement.
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
I am a committed HIM Food Bank donor.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I feel a sense of loyalty to HIM Food Bank.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
HIM Food Bank is my favorite charitable organization.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
5. What areas of HIM Food Bank's work interest you most.
6. How is the current financial climate affecting you?
7. When donors leave bequests to HIM Food Bank in their Wills, it benefits people in our community who are struggling to put food on the table. These are our seniors, our veterans, and our neighbors who are facing difficult times. Once you’ve provided for your family and friends, would you consider leaving a gift in your Will to HIM Food Bank?
8. Within the next 6 months or so, do you think you could be in a position to make a donation of $2,500 or more to HIM Food Bank?
9. For each of the statements below, please rate how important each is with regard for your support for HIM Food Bank.
Not important at allSlightly ImportantModerately ImportantImportantVery Important
Informing me how my money is spent
Not important at all
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Real life stories about people my support is helping
Not important at all
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Making it clear why my support is needed
Not important at all
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Trusting HIM Food Bank to use my donation well
Not important at all
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
10. Of the communications you receive from us, how appropriate and valuable do you find them?
Not valuable at allNot very valuableNeutralValuableVery valuable
Thank you letter acknowledging a donation
Not valuable at all
Not very valuable
Very valuable
Quarterly printed Second Helping Newsletter
Not valuable at all
Not very valuable
Very valuable
Appeals asking for support throughout the year
Not valuable at all
Not very valuable
Very valuable
Annual Tax Receipt
Not valuable at all
Not very valuable
Very valuable
Gratitude Report
Not valuable at all
Not very valuable
Very valuable
11. How likely are you to recommend HIM Food Bank to your family or friends as a worthwhile beneficiary of their donations?
Not likely at allUnlikelyNeutralLikelyVery likely
Not likely at all
Very likely
12. Automatic monthly gifts deducted from your bank account or credit card can be a simple and effective way to support HIM Food Bank. Monthly gifts help us budget and plan for our long-term work to support deserving people in our community who are facing hunger. Would you join the Harvest Heroes, our special group of HIM supporters, by considering a monthly gift?
13. If you could choose just one area of HIM's most urgent needs, what would it be?